博彩平台推荐 alumna Ameka Coleman ’16

Crowning Glory: 博彩平台推荐 Alumna-Owned Company Awarded Historic Contract

While 博彩平台推荐 alumna Ameka Coleman ’16 transformed an initial investment of $3,500 into a flourishing seven-figure company, it’s still the little things that she takes pride in the most. For example, with every order a person makes with her Black-owned beauty brand Strands of Faith, the recipient receives a mustard seed with a note that serves as a reminder that they can move mountains.

And with a new, historic contract in place for Strands of Faith, a natural hair products brand, there will be enough mustard seeds to build a mountain. The company recently made history when Coleman inked a deal with Premier Inc. to supply 4,400 hospitals across the U.S. with products for textured hair.

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